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TCL/TK - iNovAITec

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TCL/TK Training

TCL/TK Training

The programming language TCL and the corresponding graphic toolkit TK are one of the most powerful, freely available environments for  cross-platform programming. GUI programs, network clients and servers,  database access and much more becomes child's play with TCL/TK. After  this training, you will be able to understand much of the internal  workings of NX and adapt this to your requirements. You will also be  able to easily adapt post-processors. You obtain insights into  programming, which can also be used for other projects outside of NX.

  • Basics Functionality
  • Variables, lists and arrays
  • Procedures, control structures and troubleshooting
  • Files and folders
  • Advanced techniques
  • Simple graphic elements

Additional Requirements
PC knowledge. The course serves as a minimum requirement for participation in the UserCycle Training.  

Additional information's for the duration
Additional days on-site, as required, are recommended.

 3 Days



  • Production engineers
  • NC programmers
  • Production planning

If you are interested in a company-specific custom development and  would like to find out more, please feel free to get in touch with us.

Give us a call on: +49 (0)  176 310 693 62
or send an email to:

Alternatively,  You can fill out our contact form here. We look forward to hearing from you.

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