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Artificial Intelligence - iNovAITec

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Artificial Intelligence

AI - Artificial Intelligence

This course is an intensive introduction to the world of artificial  intelligence and machine learning. It will provide participants with an  outline of all the major concepts around artificial intelligence and its current applications (with a focus on deep and machine learning), as globally. The students will be introduced to the ideas behind Artificial Intelligence through easy-to-grasp real life  examples and interactive learning. The course consists of 4 days of classroom learning, continued by 4 weekly meetings to finish a team  project and to follow up on the progress of the participants.
The aim of this course is to provide a clear understanding of the key  concepts and evolution of artificial intelligence and machine learning globally.

Learning Outcomes:
  • To understand the benefits of using AI and ML
  • To know the basic terms and concepts behind AI
  • To have a capacity to know where in your own work AI could be applied
  • To acquire knowledge of the basic methodologies of AI
  • To be able to understand the possibilities for using AI and machine learning in real-life situations

  • Origins and development of Artificial Intelligence
  • Role of AI in today’s world
  • Key concepts of AI and ML
  • How to apply AI and ML methods in our work
  • Exercises and group work

Course Requirements:
  • No prior knowledge of Artificial Intelligence (AI) or any technical  concepts are required

Who this course is for:
  • This course is designed to help students learn all about AI from  scratch, so you can take your business or career to the next level, by  leveraging the power of AI!  At the end of this course, you will have a  comprehensive understanding of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology  and how it can be leveraged to achieve business goals in all industries
  • You will learn about the many applications of AI in the business world  and how to identify potential opportunities for implementation in your own organization or to enhance your career

4 Weeks


  • Developers
  • Anyone interested in Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning  (ML) or Deep Learning (DL)
If you are interested in a company-specific custom development and  would like to find out more, please feel free to get in touch with us.

Give us a call on: +49 (0)  176 310 693 62
or send an email to:

Alternatively,  You can fill out our contact form here. We look forward to hearing from you.

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