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IT Cybersecurity - iNovAITec

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Cyber Security

Cyber Security

In modern society, digital networking is increasingly gaining significance on the most diverse sectors of life. Cyber criminals make liberal use of this fact in order to carry out their in part highly complex attacks. In this environment, conventional protection measures quickly reach their limits. Modern cyber security methods, however, offer efficient protection, while also providing the digital world with options of development.

This seminar enables its students to evaluate cyber risks and plan protection measures along with their implementation.

Course Content
The training course contents consist of the following topics:

Target Group
This course addresses the employees of a company who are responsible for protection against the hazards of the modern digital world in the field of security.

Knowledge Prerequisites
Ideally, participants already have a basic know-how in the fields of networking technology and data communications, particularly on the sectors LAN and TCP/IP.

2 Days

Price per participant
2.195 EUR


If you are interested in a company-specific custom development and  would like to find out more, please feel free to get in touch with us.

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