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Manufacturing: NX 3-Axis Milling - iNovAITec

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Computer Aided Manufacturing

Manufacturing: NX 3-Axis Milling

This seminar covers the functionalities and opportunities provided by the Planar_Mill and Planar_Profile modules for 2-, 3-axis milling.
The opportunities and functions are presented and simulated based on application scenarios.
Special cases and practical experiences highlight the range of opportunities that the modules provide for daily application requirements.
The training course finishes by introducing multi-axis milling based on the Master Model Concept.

  • 2-, 3-axis milling functionalities using the Planar module
  • 2-, 3-axis profile machining functionalities using the Planar module
  • Optimal operation
  • Final project (multi-axis machining) based on the Master Model Concept

Additional Requirements
Basics of NC processing technology as well as experience working with  NX system.
Minimum requirements are the first 3 days of "Manufacturing: CAM  basics".

Additional information's for the duration
Two additional days on-site are recommended in order to further explore the applications and increase efficiency. Additional days as required.

 3 Days



  • Production engineers
  • NC programmers
  • Production planning

Required Trainings
NX CAM Basics

If you are interested in a company-specific custom development and  would like to find out more, please feel free to get in touch with us.

Give us a call on: +49 (0)  176 310 693 62
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