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NX CAD Basics - iNovAITec

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Computer Aided Design

Siemens NX CAD Basics

The course serves as an introduction to the use of the Siemens NX functionality. Users learn the basics of the CAD modelling.
This is followed by an introduction to the methodology of  parameterisation  and model associativity for a better understanding of  the modelling problem.
The focus is on dealing with CAD models in terms of the Master Model Concept for a process-based work method that is aligned to concurrent engineering.
After the course, participants will be able to handle geometry models in assemblies and implement the potentially necessary modelling of auxiliary
geometries for NC machining.
After this training, you will be able to  independently construct even complex elements using Siemens NX. You will  find out everything you need to know about curves, sketches and mould  elements and gain in-depth knowledge of construction and drafting. Your  employees will bring solid expertise about construction methodology and  assemblies back to your company from this training session.

  • The NX program package
  • Basics of NX / user interface
  • Basics of construction
  • Creation of basic structures and reference elements
  • Creation of curves (auxiliary curves for CAM)
  • Rapid model change using "Synchronous Technology"
  • Analysis and information of objects
  • Introduction to the Master Model Concept
  • Methods for assembling a module (assembly)
  • Creation of associative copies (Wave Geometry Linker)

Additional Requirements
PC knowledge. The course serves as a minimum requirement for participation in CAM seminars.

Additional information's for the duration
Two additional days on-site are recommended in order to provide further explore the applications and increase efficiency. Additional days as required.

 5 Days



  • Designers
  • Production engineers
  • NC programmers
  • Production planning
If you are interested in a company-specific custom development and  would like to find out more, please feel free to get in touch with us.

Give us a call on: +49 (0)  176 310 693 62
or send an email to:

Alternatively,  You can fill out our contact form here. We look forward to hearing from you.

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