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Advanced Industrial Robotics - iNovAITec

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Advanced Industrial Robotics

Industrial Robotics

Learn  how an industrial 6-axes industrial robot works. We will start  by building its forward and inverse kinematic model step-by-step, then plan  geometrical paths and optimize motion trajectories. We will learn how to  correctly size the electric motors and understand the fine-tuning  procedures for the servo drives. We will describe calibration procedures  for the arm, tool and cell, and finally generate a realistic digital  twin for your simulations!

Fundamentals: Develop with ROS Library to build the robot trajectory and OpenCascade 3D-Kernel to build, Handle and view CAD models
Geometry: Use Open Cascade Technology to load the robot CAD files (STEP and IGES Format)
Robot Process: Deburring, Milling and Drilling

Training Project
Development of methods for CAD-based, automated burr identification and path planning for Deburring structural components with industrial robots including:
- Generation of NC-programmes
- Spline Interpolation
- Collision Control

Course Content
Course Requirements:
  • This class is not too complicated and you should be able to follow along  quite easily if you have a good base of mathematics: specifically,  trigonometry, linear algebra and some calculus
  • Basic programming skills would also be nice, but are not strictly  required. This is not a programming class and you will be able to follow  along until the end even if you don’t program a single line of code,  but for sure it would be much nicer and beneficial for you if you  implement the models we study here into real code, and test them on a  real or simulated robot. C++ is normally the language of choice in the  industry, but the final call is totally up to you

Who this course is for:
  • Students and engineers interested in understanding the mathematical models of industrial robots and their most common control methods
If you are interested in a company-specific custom development and  would like to find out more, please feel free to get in touch with us.

Give us a call on: +49 (0)  176 310 693 62
or send an email to:

Alternatively,  You can fill out our contact form here. We look forward to hearing from you.

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