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C# Basics Course - iNovAITec

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C# Basics Course

C# Basics course

In this course, Mosh, author of several best-selling C# courses on iNovAITec, teaches you the fundamentals of C# programming in a clear, concise and step-by-step way. Note only that, but he'll also teach you best practices and shortcuts to help you become a better developer.

This C# course will enable delegates to develop applications in the  C# programming language. Delegates will be able to program using the  principles of object orientation. The course will also cover how to use  the Visual Studio development environment to produce robust and  maintainable applications.

This course is intended for the following types of software developers:
  • New developers
  • Developers who understand computer programming but may have learned  programming by using a non-graphical language in a university

These developers want to build solutions by using C#; within the  Microsoft .NET Framework. They also want to employ Object Orientated  techniques to enhance their development skills.

Course Content
The training course contents consist of the following topics:

5 Days

Price per participant
4.150 EUR


  • Developers
  • programmers
Course Requirements:
Before attending this course, students must have competency in the following areas:
  • Knowledge of C# programming
  • Familiarity and comfort with basic operating system functions such as file manipulation
  • Understanding of the basics of structured programming, including concepts such as flow control, variables and parameters, and function calls
  • At least 3 months experience developing applications in either a graphical or non-graphical environment, or equivalent knowledge
  • Experience with object-oriented programming and concepts are not required
If you are interested in a company-specific custom development and  would like to find out more, please feel free to get in touch with us.

Give us a call on: +49 (0)  176 310 693 62
or send an email to:

Alternatively,  You can fill out our contact form here. We look forward to hearing from you.

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